Saturday, April 19, 2008

ID Column No Longer Expelled from Print

Appropriately on the release date of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, the Crossville Chronicle published my latest Seeing through the Hayes column, "Speaking heresy in a Darwinian culture," in the Friday, April 18, edition. The entire article can be found here.

The Darwinists have yet to flood my inbox with hate mail, but there's still the entire weekend for the article to reach them via the Web. I attempt to address some of their objections to my last column's brief critiques of Darwinian evolution.

In the opinion-editorial piece, I draw attention to the prior philosophical commitments to materialism and naturalistic reasoning that Darwinian proponents impose upon the scientific field. Through doing this, they are able to disregard any arguments or evidence that might point to design and yet seem justified in doing so. After affirming that Charles Darwin himself did not write much pertaining to the origin of life, I make note that his ideas would be taken further by his followers. From the article:

Still, Darwin held that natural selection left out the need for God. “The view that each variation has been providentially arranged seems to make Natural Selection entirely superfluous, and indeed takes the whole case of the appearance of new species out of the range of science” (Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, vol. 2, 6-7, 28, emphasis mine). With this statement, Darwin planted the seeds for the driving principle that would rule science in the following generations—propositions that aren’t naturalistic or materialistic should not be considered.

Looking at verbatim statements from several evolutionary authorities such as Richard Dawkins, I make this conclusion: "Evolutionary authorities forthrightly demonstrate evolutionary theory is not a scientific issue but a philosophical one."

The article goes on to distinguish between Darwinism as a worldview and evolution as a theory. I then transition to a positive affirmation of Intelligent Design theory, as stated in Nancy Pearcey's monumental book Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity.

As the Expelled film calls for the knocking down of the Berlin wall of naturalistic prejudice currently erected in science, I call for reform in a Darwinist-minded culture the same way Martin Luther called out the Catholic culture of the sixteenth century. Like that generation put blind trust in its clergymen, today's generation puts an unfounded confidence in our scientists and academics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As of this writing, moments ago I came to realize my the article is linked from the front page of the Pearcey Report. As of 12:50 a.m. EST, it appears as about the seventh commentary down.

I suppose it was easily found since I referenced Nancy Pearcey in the column. For those of you who aren't familiar with Pearcey, Nancy's husband Rick oversees the Report.

I mentioned Nancy's book Total Truth in the original post. If I were to compile a list of five must-read books for Christians of this age, Pearcey's work would be near the top.