Saturday, May 10, 2008

Calvinism DVD Viewing Party

Please excuse my delay with this announcement, but after discussing an ideal date with Isaiah and Lloyd, we wanted to extend an invitation to everyone on the blog (and spouses) to watch the epic production Amazing Grace: The History & Theology of Calvinism.

The viewing party will take place at Isaiah Ruffner's house on Saturday morning, May 17. Running appoximately four hours and 15 minutes, we look to start the DVD around 10 a.m. We encourage all who can to be there. I can almost guarantee you will not be disappointed with the quality and thoroughness of Amazing Grace. The DVD will be a source of tremendous encouragement during a trying time as our home church faces such an assault on the truth.

Plan to spend your morning and afternoon at Zai's. With the DVD not only being long, we are hoping for an adequate amount of time for discussion (if that's possible when discussing the Doctrines of Grace) following the viewing. When talking with Lloyd and Zai, I did hear the suggestion to order pizza.

Please RSVP by leaving a comment on this post. And remember, only those who are willing and able to come will be there, but whosoever is welcome. Well, consult Zai first should it begin to look like too much of a crowd (Zai, feel free to provide any further information or instruction).

Produced by the Apologetics Group (now The Nicene Council), Amazing Grace consists of three parts: the history of the debate, the Scriptures on TULIP, and evangelism in light of God's sovereign purpose to save the elect. Here's an excerpt from the product description:
Rich in graphics, dramatic vignettes, and biblical analogies, Amazing Grace — The History and Theology of Calvinism also features many of the finest reformed thinkers and pastors of our time: Dr. R.C. Sproul, Dr. D. James Kennedy, Dr. George Grant, Dr. Stephen Mansfield, Dr. Thomas Ascol, Dr. Thomas Nettles, Dr. Roger Schultz, Pastor Walt Chantry, Dr. Joe Morecraft, Dr. Ken Talbot, Pastor Walter Bowie and Dr. R.C. Sproul, Jr.

Come learn what the great Baptist preacher C.H. Spurgeon meant when he said, “…to deny Calvinism is to deny the gospel of Jesus Christ.”


Zai said...

'Sup Guys

A few of us were talking it over this morning and it looks there might be a few more than I was thinking were going to come. Which is great definitely, but I'm afraid we might have outgrown the size of my living room if everyone ends up coming. That said, if we can RSVP either by posting a comment or sending me an email, it will help to determine if we might need a change of venue. Kent has volunteered to host if we need some more space.

Elijah said...

have to work, i'll not be there. i'll be getting in late that night (1:30 AM or so.)